Next event: 3DBODY.TECH 2025, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-22 Oct. 2025
The International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies takes place every year in October in Lugano, Switzerland.
1st International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies
Lugano, Switzerland, 19-20 October 2010
The first event was successfully closed on the evening of 20th October 2010.
Over 210 participants from 30 different countries attended the two days conference in Lugano.
The 14 technical sessions, with 60 technical and scientific presentations, were well attended. The topics discussed regarded: medical scanning systems, medical applications, body scanning systems, body scanning for apparel, digital anthropometry, anthropometric surveys, full body, face and foot scanning, scanning technologies and processing of scan data.
The conference was accompanied by an exhibition where 8 manufactures were presenting and demonstrating their body scanning systems. The major four technologies were represented: laser scanning, white-light scanning, active and passive photogrammetry. The application sectors were also various, from apparel, to medicine, entertainment and others.
Three keynote presentations for the three main application sectors were held: apparel and fashion, medical applications, digital anthropometry. Additionally, four major manufacturers had chosen this conference to present world premieres.
The opening and closing presentations of the organizer Dr. Nicola D'Apuzzo are available to download: opening, closing.
The proceedings of the conference (ISBN 978-3-033-02714-5) are available as hard copy (413 pages) or CD-rom and can be ordered for the cost of 150CHF per e-mail at the following address:
The contents of the book can be downloaded as PDF file.
Some fotos of the conference can be downloaded as zip file (3.9MB).
Additional information about this past event can be found at the following website: