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Next event: 3DBODY.TECH 2025, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-22 Oct. 2025

October 18 - Conference successfully closed

The 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning Technologies was successfully closed on the evening of 17th October 2012.

198 participants from 31 different countries attended/visited the two days conference and exhibition in Lugano, Switzerland.

The 14 technical sessions, with 58 technical and scientific presentations, were well attended. The topics discussed regarded: medical scanning systems, medical applications, full body scanning, body scanning for apparel, digital anthropometry, applications in health and sport, body scanning systems, Kinect body scanning and others.

The conference was accompanied by an exhibition where 15 manufactures were presenting and demonstrating their body scanning systems. The major technologies were represented: laser scanning, white-light scanning, active and passive photogrammetry, kinect scanning, application software. The application sectors were also various, from apparel to medicine, from entertainment to anthropometry and others.

The conference started with an exceptional opening session with three presentations held by Chris Lane, CEO of 3dMD (USA), Prof. Dr. Michael J. Black, director at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Germany), Prof. Dr. Chang Kyu Park, Konkuk University (S. Korea), Scott Summit, CEO of Bespoke Innovations Inc. (USA). The program was enriched with a keynote presentation of Jean-Marc Surville, Lectra (France) and a second presentation of the invited speaker Prof. Dr. Chang Kyu Park. Moreover, five manufacturers had chosen this event to present world premieres.

The conference confirmed also this year to be the most important international event for the sector of 3D body scanning technology.

Compared to last year, the number of attendees and exhibitors remained stable, regardless of the present economical crisis.

Opening and closing presentations:

We have joined the opening and closing presentations of the conference director Dr. Nicola D'Apuzzo into a single file available to download at the following link: PDF file (6.7MB).


The proceedings of the conference (ISBN 978-3-033-03651-2) are available as hard copy (350 pages) and/or cd-rom. The cost of the proceedings is 150CHF.
For orders, please contact the conference office.
The contents of the book can be downloaded as PDF file.


3DBST 2013:

The 4th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning Technologies will take place from 19 to 21 November 2013, in Orange County, California, USA.
The flyer can be downloaded as PDF file.


October 13 - Final Program

3D Body 2012 - Program

The final program of the conference is available as PDF file: 3dbody2012_program.pdf.

Conference highlights:
- Main and largest international event focused on 3D body scanning technologies
- More than 200 international attendees/participants/visitors
- An opening session and 14 technical sessions (in parallel) with 60 presentations
- Technical exhibition with presentations and live demonstrations from 16 OEMs
- 5 world premieres of products/solutions/results never shown before in public

Exceptional world premieres:
- Jointly developed technology from 3dMD (USA) and Max Plank Institute (Germany)
- Live demonstration of the new scanner GO!SCAN3D from Creaform (Canada)

We kindly invite you to attend this event next week on Tuesday-Wednesday in Lugano, Switzerland.

October 12 - New World Premiere at the Technical Exhibition

We are pleased to announce that TechMed 3D will have the privilege of introducing the world premiere of the fast, easy and reliable new scanner from Creaform, the GO! SCAN 3D.

TechMed3D    TechMed3D Creaform

TechMed 3D have optimized its software MSoft with the scanner integrating the most user-friendly solution for digitization of the human body on the market.
Visit the technical exhibition for a live demonstration.

October 9 - The conference starts in one week

The conference promises to be also this year the most important international event dedicated entirely to 3D body scanning.

Conference facts:
- Main and largest international event focused on 3D body scanning technologies.
- Exiting opening session with three different topics.
- Intensive program with 14 technical sessions during two full days with 60 presentations.
- Technical exhibition with 15 OEMs demonstrating body scanning systems and software solutions.
- Presentation/demonstration of 4 world premieres.
- About 200 expected attendees/visitors at the conference and exhibition.

More details can be found in the extended version of the preliminary program of the conference:

Please note that pre-registration is required. If you wish to attend the conference and/or visit the exhibition, ensure you register before Saturday 13 October by sending us the filled registration form available at the following link: registration

September 29 - Exceptional Presentation at the Opening Session

Chris Lane, chairman and CEO of 3dMD, and Prof. Dr. Michael J. Black, director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Germany), will jointly held the first technical presentation of the conference.


At the first Lugano Conference in 2010 Michael Black outlined his vision to Chris Lane for the development of a personalized avatar of complex human body movements calibrated by a streamlined workflow of 3D body scans. During the conference 3dMD publically launched its new generation of very fast 3D body surface capture devices which Michael felt could be developed to support his long term software research. At the second conference a video of the pre-delivery 3Dbody system developed for Michael's group was shown. Less than one year after commissioning the equipment, Chris and Michael will be showing a fully functional hardware and software process which results in the production of a spatially precise dynamic avatar which can be subsequently edited and posed. The process of going from a "scan" to an "avatar" is fully automatic, does not require landmarking, and the resulting avatar is easily edited to change its shape and pose. The joint presentation will highlight the development of a very focused commercial-academic partnership and debut the resultant technology with videos and demonstrations that have not been seen before at a public event. The presenters will conclude by summarizing the commercial potential for this approach to dynamic 3D body metrics.

September 27 - New Exhibitor

Right Shoes - UTD SA (Switzerland) will participate at the conference's exhibition.

Right Shoes

UTD - Unique Trend Developments has developed Right Shoes, an online assistant that can suggest the right size to choose during shoes on-line shopping on websites of footwear manufacturers, brands and e-commerces. Right Shoes will be demonstrated at the conference exhibition.

September 26 - Extended Preliminary Program

3D Body 2012 - Program

The extended version of the preliminary program of the conference is now available:

September 25 - Over 100 Registrations

We are pleased to announce that we have already more than 100 registered attendees.
If you wish to attend the conference and/or visit the exhibition, please do not forget to register by sending us the filled registration form available at the following link: registration
Please also note that the registration fees will increase after October 6th.

September 24 - New Exhibitor

CAD Modelling Ergonomics Srl (Italy) will participate at the conference's exhibition.

Cad Modelling

CAD Modelling Ergonomics produces tailor dummies, fit mannequins and anthropometric fashion dummies for fitting control and the portable 3D full body scanning system Body-ScanFit.

September 13 - New Exhibitor

4D View Solutions (France) will participate at the conference's exhibition.


4D View Solutions provides complete hardware and software platforms for the capture of photorealistic videos in 3D. The systems enable to film a dynamic scene and output a photorealistic 3D video of the filmed subject for real-time or offline analysis and applications.

September 7 - New Exhibitor

Poikos Ltd (UK) will participate at the conference's exhibition.


Poikos has developed the core technology of FlixFit. FlixFit is a body measurement solution for E-commerce which uses ordinary inexpensive webcams, tablets, and smartphones. This enables a quick and simple way for users to find out their size, and make more informed choices about the clothes that they buy.

September 6 - New Exhibitor

corpus.e AG (Germany) will participate at the conference's exhibition.


corpus.e designs 3D imaging and 3D scanning systems. At the conference exhibition, corpus.e will demonstrate its 3D foot scanning and measurement system lightbeam, based on the patented MagicalSkin technology.

September 5 - New Exhibitor

TechMed 3D (Canada) will participate at the conference's exhibition.


TechMed 3D is an high tech company specializing in body measurement technologies and digital imaging solutions adapted to the orthotics, prosthetics and custom equipment market. Various 3D surface imaging devices and application software will be demonstrated at the conference exhibition.

August 28 - Conference's Highlights

Opening Session

i-Fashion Project
Invited speaker Prof. Dr. Chang Kyu PARK - Konkuk University, Seoul, S. Korea
Prof. Dr. Chang Kyu Park is director of i-Fashion Technology Center and associate professor at Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea. His first speech at the opening session will present and discuss the achievements of the i-Fashion project.

3D Scanning of Military Free Fall Operators Using a Cluster of Microsoft Kinect Systems
Jeremy M. CARSON - U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center
Jeremy Carson is a computer scientist at the US Army Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center, in Natick (MA), USA. His speech at the opneing session will regard the use of multiple Mircrosoft Kinect scanning systems for generating 3D surface models of military free fall operators with combat and parachute equipment flying in a vertical wind tunnel.

Invited Speaker - Medical Applications

Customized 3D Printed Legs for Amputees on the Basis of 3D Scan Data
Invited speaker Scott SUMMITT - Bespoke Innovations Inc., San Francisco (CA), USA
The speech of Mr. Summit, founder of Bespoke Innovations, will regard the creation of customized 3D printed legs for amputees. The personalized design of the prosthetics is based on 3D scan data of the customer.

Invited Speaker - Anthropometric Studies & Surveys

Size Korea
Invited speaker Prof. Dr. Chang Kyu PARK - Konkuk University, Seoul, S. Korea
The second speech of Prof. Dr. Chang Kyu Park will focus on the results obtained by the large scale measurement campaign Size Korea.

Conference Exhibition

In the parallel exhibition, various manufacturers of equipment will demonstrate live their 3D body scanning systems and software solutions.
Different scanning technologies are represented: laser scanning, white light scanning, passive photogrammetry, etc.
Different systems will be shown: full body scanners, foot scanners, modular scanning systems, hand-held scanners and software solutions.
The attendees will have to possibility to test live the systems and to meet and discuss directly with the manufacturers and resellers.

Welcome Cocktail

A welcome cocktail with local gastronomy products and wine of the region is offered to all participants at the evening of the first day of the conference.

August 11 - New Exhibitor

VITRONIC GmbH (Germany) will participate at the conference's exhibition.


VITRONIC, a world leading organization in the field of machine vision, is developer and manufacturer of body scanning systems employed by Human Solutions. At the exhibition, VITRONIC will demonstrate its 3D full body scanner VITUS.

August 8 - Supporter

Canton Ticino is supporting the conference.


The Finance and Economics Department of Canton Ticino is supporting the conference. Representatives of the economic promotion office will be present at the conference to illustrate the opportunities offered by the region for new business initiatives.

July 26 - New Exhibitor

Lectra SA (France) will participate at the conference's exhibition.


Lectra is the world leader in integrated technology solutions (software, CAD/CAM hardware, services) for industries using textiles to manufacture their products. Lectra will demonstrate Modaris V7, the apparel pattern-making and grading software solution with fully-integrated 3D virtual prototyping technology.

July 25 - Hotel Booking Form

Hotel information (pdf file) and hotel booking form (word file) are now available.
More details and information here.

June 30 - Preliminary program

The preliminary program of the conference is now available:

3D Body 2012 - Program

The preliminary program of the conference is structured, during two full days, in an opening session and 14 technical sessions in parallel with more than 50 oral presentations covering the main sectors of 3D body scanning.
A parallel exhibition allows manufacturers of scanning equipment to demonstrate live their products and solutions to all attendees/visitors/participants.
Breaks and social events are planned in order to increase the possibilities for building relationships and exchanging ideas between attendees, visitors, authors, participants and exhibitors.
Note: the prelinimary program will be updated continously. The final and complete program will be available in October 2012.

June 30 - New Exhibitor

SpaceVision Inc. (Japan) will participate at the conference's exhibition.


SpaceVision is a leading manufacturer of innovative 3D imaging solutions used in various application fields. At the exhibition of the conference, SpaceVision will demonstrate world's smallest, lightest and fastest 3D body scanner.

June 27 - Preliminary program outline

A preliminary outline of the conference program is now available: preliminaryoutline.jpg.

Program Outline

The preliminary program of the conference is structured, during two full days, in an opening session and 14 technical sessions (in parallel).
A parallel exhibition allows manufacturers of scanning equipment to demonstrate live their products and solutions to all attendees/ visitors/participants.
Long breaks and social events are planned in order to increase the possibilities for building relationships and exchanging ideas between attendees, visitors, authors, participants and exhibitors.

June 26 - New Exhibitor

3dMD LLC (USA) will participate at the conference's exhibition.


3dMD is the world leader in 3D body scanning for medical applications, with well more than 1,400 3D cameras worldwide. The ultra-fast high-precision 3D surface imaging devices and the application software will be demonstrated at the conference exhibition.

June 23 - Submission of abstracts closed

Submission of abstracts is now closed and the preliminary conference program is being prepared.
The number of received abstracts (about 50) is within our expectations. The 3rd International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies promises to be a very successful event during two days and with a full program of about 60 oral presentations and additional live demonstrations of equipment.
The relevant main sectors of 3D body scanning will be covered: face and body scanning for medicine, body scanning for fashion and apparel, digital anthropometry and body size measurement campaigns, new body scanning systems and technologies, body scanning with Kinect.
The conference will have a strong international character with authors and participants from all over the world.
A preliminary list of institutions, universities, private companies and organizations, participating actively at the conference is available here.

June 1 - Abstract submission deadline extended until June 22nd

The number of received abstracts until now (more than 40) is within our expectations. The conference promises therefore to be a very successful event with a full program of more than 50 oral presentations covering relevant sectors of 3D body scanning, as face and body scanning for medicine, body scanning for fashion and apparel, digital anthropometry and body size measurement campaigns, new body scanning systems and technologies, body scanning with Kinect.
The conference will also have a marked international character with authors and participants from all over the world.
Upon various requests from private firms, universities and institutions, the deadline for abstract submission has been extended until June 22nd.

May 21 - New Exhibitor

ELINVISION UAB (Lithuania) will participate at the conference's exhibition.


ELINVISION designs and produces measuring and control devices, machine vision systems, 3D laser scanners, digital dental cameras and software. At the conference exhibition, ELINVISION will demonstrate its 3D foot scanner.

May 3 - New Exhibitor

4DDynamics (Belgium) will participate at the conference's exhibition.


4DDynamics is best known for its modular and configurable 3D white-light scanning system Mephisto. At the conference exhibition, 4DDynamics will demonstrate face and body scanners composed of multiple scanning pods.

May 1 - 2nd Announcement

The second announcement, call for papers and exhibitors is published: PDF file.

Please note that the extended deadline for submitting abstracts is May 31, 2012.

Conference facts:
- Main and largest international event focused on 3D body scanning technologies
- Technical/scientific committee formed by international experts of various sectors
- 12 technical sessions and 1 poster session, with expected 60-80 presentations
- Parallel exhibition on 500sqm (expendable) with expected 10-25 exhibitors
- 200-250 expected attendees at the conference and exhibition

Note: save 150 CHF on regular fees by registering before June 30th.
More details are available at the registration page: registration.

April 4 - Scientific/technical committee

The technical/scientific committee of the conference begin to take form. Already 20 international experts from the academic as well as from the private sectors have joined. The technical/scientific expertise of the members is related to the different topics and areas discussed at the conference.

The preliminary list of the members of the committee is available at the following link: committee.

December 29 - 1st Announcement

The first announcement and call for papers and exhibitors is published: PDF file.

The 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning Technologies will take place during two days on 16-17 October at the same venue in Lugano, Switzerland as the previous two events.

The first and second international conferences were both largely attended with over 200 participants from different countries.

The program of both events included about 60 presentations divided into dual-track technical sessions on a wide variety of 3D body scanning research, developments, and applications from all over the world.

The number of manufacturers participating at the parallel exhibition increased substantially last year. The major four technologies were represented: laser scanning, white-light scanning, active and passive photogrammetry.

The conference confirmed thus again to be the most important international event for the sector of 3D body scanning technology. With this third event of 2012, we will continue the role as the world leading technical platform dedicated to these specific fields.

In order to guarantee the quality and variety of the program of the conference, we have introduced this year a scientific/technical committee.
The works presented at the conference will be differentiated into two groups: accepted papers (upon review of the submitted extended abstracts), technical presentations (without papers).

For the 3rd conference we offer also the possibility to visit uniquely the technical exhibition at low registration fees. The number of visitors is expected to grow substantially and thus the benefits for sponsors and exhibitors will increase.

December 28 - Webiste

The website of the 3rd International Conference and exhibition on 3D Body Scanning Technologies 2012 is online:

3rd International Conference and Exhibition on 3D BODY SCANNING TECHNOLOGIES, Lugano, Switzerland, 16-17 October 2012