Next event: 3DBODY.TECH 2025, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-22 Oct. 2025
Conference and exhibition
This conference and its parallel exhibition aim to fulfill the demand for an international event focused on 3D human body scanning technologies, 3D human body measurement methods and applications. This event is the world leading technical platform dedicated to these specific fields.
In the last two decades, 3D scanning technologies developed in other industrial sectors were successfully applied to the measurement and scanning of the human body. Methods and techniques are continuously ameliorated, more efficient and performing scanning systems are produced every year and new software tools are developed unceasingly.
The international conference and exhibition on 3D body scanning technologies serves as a platform for the information on the latest developments and interesting applications in various sectors, as well as, for building relationships and exchanging ideas between manufacturers, users, developers and researchers from around the world.
Conference director's message
The 4th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning Technologies will take place from 19 to 20 November 2013, in Long Beach, California, USA.
The first three international conferences of 2010, 2011 and 2012 were all largely attended with over 200 participants from different countries, different technical fields and different industries.
The rich technical programs of the three events included a wide variety of works related to applications, developments and research on 3D body scanning from all over the world.
The conferences were accompanied by parallel exhibitions featuring live demonstrations of 3D body scanning equipment and solutions. Various manufacturers had chosen our events for presenting and announcing world premieres.
The past three events were also the occasions where births of new collaborations took place, as for example 3dmD (USA) and Max Plank Institute (Germany), TC2 (USA) and SpaceVision (Japan), UCS (Slovenia) and ElinVision (Estonia).
With the success of the 3rd event of 2012, the conference confirmed again to be the most important international event for the sector of 3D body scanning technology. With this forth event of 2013, we will continue the role as the world leading technical platform dedicated to these specific fields.
The conference and exhibition will take place this year for the first time in North America. The number of attendees, authors and exhibitors is therefore expected to grow substantially.
We would be delighted to welcome you at the 4th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, as author, exhibitor, attendee or visitor, and I am looking forward to meet you personally in November in Long Beach California.
Dr. Nicola D'Apuzzo, Hometrica Consulting, Switzerland