
Next event: 3DBODY.TECH 2025, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-22 Oct. 2025

Registration is required for all participants, attendees and visitors of the conference and exhibition.

If you wish to attend or participate at the conference and visit the exhibition, ensure you register before the begin of the conference by sending us the filled registration form available below.
You will then receive by e-mail an invoice with details for the payment of the registration fees by bank transfer, credit card or Paypal.

Important notes:
- registration has to be completed until November 18th,
- registration is confirmed only after the payment of the due fees.

Registration fees

- Attendee/participant:
- Presenting author:
- Student (undergraduate):
- One day only:
  600 USD
  500 USD
  400 USD
  400 USD

The conference fees include admission to all sessions, the accompanying exhibition, coffee breaks and a copy of the proceedings.

Note: the prices are in US Dollars (USD) .

Registration form

Registration form: 3dbst2013_registration.doc.

In order to register for attending the conference and visiting the exhibition, please download the registration form at the link above and send the filled form to the conference office by e-mail, at

We will then send you an invoice with details for the payment of the registration fees.

4th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D BODY SCANNING TECHNOLOGIES, Long Beach CA, USA, 19-20 November 2013