Next event: 3DBODY.TECH 2025, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-22 Oct. 2025
Call for papers
Download the second announcement and call for papers: 2ndcall (PDF).
Authors are kindly invited to present papers related to the following technical areas:
- 3D & 4D body and 3D & 4D face scanning methods, systems and technologies
- Active 3D body scanning technologies (laser scanning, white-light scanning, Kinect)
- Passive body scanning methods (stereo photogrammetry, visual-hull)
- Portable and hand-held human body scanning and measurement devices
- Full body scanning systems for the apparel and fashion sector
- Applications in medical sciences (plastic surgery, orthotics, prosthetics, forensics, etc.)
- Foot scanning, custom footwear and orthopedics
- Digital anthropometry, anthropometric studies
- Body measurement campaigns, fitting mannequins
- Biometrics and applications in security
- Applications in sport, health and fitness
- Human body and face modeling, animation and simulation
- Applications in virtual life, games and entertainment
- 3D body scanning for arts, sculpture and 3D printing
Authors wishing to present their works at the conference are invited to submit their extended abstract(s) to the conference office. Extended abstract should consists of 250-500 words and images.
Please provide the following information:
1. Author(s) (please underline correspondent author)
2. Affiliation, full address and e-mails for correspondence
3. Title of paper
4. Keywords
5. Abstract text (250-500 words) and images
Submission of abstracts is now closed and the program is being prepared.
As submission is closed, the details above are provided for reference only.
For any questions please email
Important note: it is expected that one of the authors presents the paper personally at the conference. Reduced registration fees are available for presenting authors: registration.
Important dates
- Extended abstracts deadline: 31 May 2014
- Early bird registration: 30 June 2014
- Author notification: 30 June 2014
- Full papers deadline: 31 August 2014
Acceptance process, conference proceedings, ISBN, DOIs
The submitted extended abstracts will be reviewed and evaluated for acceptance. Authors of accepted abstracts should submit full papers following the given guidelines.
The submitted papers will be published as conference proceedings with ISBN number, available as printed book and in digital form (on USB flash drive and/or CD-rom).
DOI (digital object identification) numbers will be assigned to the single published papers.
The abstracts of all papers will be available on-line at the website
The works presented at the conference will be differentiated into three groups: accepted papers (upon review of the submitted extended abstracts), invited speaker presentations (with or without papers), technical presentations (mainly from exhibitors, eventually without papers).
A limited number of selected papers may be chosen for an additional academic volume. These papers will have to pass a peer review process by the scientific/technical committee before publication.
All the submitted papers have to be presented personally by one of the authors.
Reduced registration fees are available for presenting authors: registration.
How to cite
Here below you can find an example how to cite the papers published in the proceedings of the conference (based on the IEEE citation style and with DOI).
Note: DOI numbers will be assigned to all published papers.
L. Walfram et al., "Complex Body Segments Volume Calculation Using a 3D Full Body Scanning System", in Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 2014, pp. 112-120,
L. Walfram et al., "Complex Body Segments Volume Calculation Using a 3D Full Body Scanning System", in Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 2014, pp. 112-120, DOI: 10.15221/14.112.
Guidelines for manuscript preparation and submission
All written submissions for inclusion in the proceedings of the conference must follow the guidelines provided by the template document:
- MS-Word file
- PDF file.
Please submit the full paper as MS-Word document, before 31 August 2014, by e-mail to the following e-mail address:
Note: anti-spam filters installed on our mail server are sometimes rejecting legitimate e-mails.
If we do not reply to your e-mail within 3 business days or if you receive a delivery failure notice,
it means that we have not received your communication, the anti-spam filter has blocked it.
In such cases, please use our alternative e-mail address:
All the submitted papers have to be presented personally by one of the authors.
Reduced registration fees are available for presenting authors: registration.
Guidelines for oral and poster presentations
It is required that at least one of the authors presents the paper personally at the conference.
Oral presentations
Oral presentation should be 18 minutes long. This will allow additional 4 minutes for questions and discussion. Additional time may be available depending on the session.
Please ensure you arrive before the start of the session in which you are presenting and introduce yourself to the chair of the session. Note: chairmen will be listed in the final program.
No specific template is defined for the presentations. Presenters can freely design and setup it according to his/her style.
Windows Laptops with MS Powerpoint will be available in the conference rooms. We suggest however the authors to bring and use their own laptop to avoid compatibility problems (e.g. different versions of Powerpoint, linked files, videos, etc.). Please bring backups of your presentation on USB flash drive or CD-rom.
Please note that electricity in Switzerland operates on 220-240 Volts AC 50HZ and that Swiss 3-poles electric plugs are different from European-style plugs. Please bring with you the necessary adapters.
Important note for Apple/MAC Laptops and/or Tablets: please bring the necessary adapters in order to connect your device with projectors featuring VGA plug.
Poster presentations
Posters will be mounted on free-standing poster boards with push pins. All posters will have a net usable space of 90cm (36") wide x 120cm (48") hight.
No specific template is defined for the posters. Presenters can freely design and setup it according to his/her style.
Authors should mount their posters on the assigned poster board, in the designated room. Posters may be mounted starting from 8:00 am on Wednesday.
At least one named author is required to be present at his poster during the poster session.
All presenters should remove their posters at the end of the poster session.
5th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D BODY SCANNING TECHNOLOGIES, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-22 October 2014