2020 Registration
Next event: 3DBODY.TECH 2025, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-22 Oct. 2025
Each attendee/participant/delegate and each speaker/presenter that wishes to attend online the conference and exhibition must register by filling a registration form and paying the registration fees before the begin of the conference.
Please fill the registration form available below, save it and send it by e-mail to the conference office (see details below). You will then receive by e-mail an invoice with details for the payment of the due registration fees.
Registration fees
Online/virtual attendee/delegate, 2 full days: 600 CHF
Online/virtual presenter/speaker, 2 full days: 550 CHF
Online/virtual student (undergraduate), 2 full days: 500 CHF
Post-conference registration, after 18 November 2020:
Access to the online conference platform, 30 days: 300 CHF
The prices are indicated in Swiss Francs (CHF) and are inclusive of taxes when/if applicable.
- The registration fees include the access to the online conference platform, admission to all sessions in a remote/online mode, a copy of the proceedings.
- The online conference platform allows to access all live streams, all pre-recorded contents, all group discussions and to use tools for networking with other online attendees, speakers, exhibitors (messaging, chat, 1-to-1 video calls).
- The online conference platform will be active and accessible 24h during the 2-days conference.
- All recorded contents (live technical sessions, live exhibitors demonstrations, single presentation videos) will be accessible, for 30 days after the end of the conference.
- Post-conference registration allows to access the online conference platform with all its contents and functionalities for 30 days.
- Post-conference attendees will be listed and appear as participants and will be able to contact other attendees through the online conference platform.
- Bank transfer with IBAN & SWIFT/BIC on CHF/EUR/USD Swiss bank account
- Credit card (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, Diners), by secure e-payment, +6% fees
- PayPal and other credit cards through PayPal payment system, +6% fees
- Swiss Francs (CHF), Euros (EUR), U.S. Dollars (USD)
- The current exchange rates will be applied for payments in EUR and USD
Registration form
Registration form:
3dbody2020_registration.docx (MS Office Word)
3dbody2020_registration.pdf (Adobe Reader)
Post-conference registration form:
3dbody2020_registrationpostconference.docx (MS Office Word)
In order to register for attending the conference and exhibition, please download the registration form at the link above and send the filled form to the conference office by e-mail, at info@3dbody.tech.
We will then send you an invoice with details for the payment of the registration fees.
We accept the following payment methods:
Payments are possible in the following currencies:
Note: anti-spam filters are sometimes rejecting legitimate e-mails. If we do not reply within 3 business days or if you receive a delivery failure notice, please use our alternative e-mail address: 3dbodytech@gmail.com.
Transfer/Cancellation/Refund Policies
Paid registration fees are fully transferable free of charge. Please inform the conference office by e-mail at info@3dbody.tech before Friday 13 November 2020 with details of the transfer.
Cancellations received by e-mail at info@3dbody.tech before Friday 13 November 2020 will receive the refund of all paid registration fees, less 100 CHF administration charge and 6% credit card charge (for payment made by credit cards). No refunds will be made for cancellations received after Friday 13 November 2020.
All approved refunds will be processed and issued within 30 days after the conference. Refunds will be made by bank wire transfer (refunds directly on credit cards are not possible).
For details and/or further inquiries, please contact the conference office.
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