We regret to announce that it has been decided to cancel the workshop due to the terrible tragedy occurred in Japan. Our thoughts are with all those affected by the earthquake and devastating tsunami.
Next event: 3DBODY.TECH 2024, Lugano, Switzerland, 22-23 Oct. 2024
Call for papers
Authors are kindly invited to present papers related to the following technical areas:
- Active 3D body scanning technologies (laser scanning, white-light scanning)
- Passive scanning methods (photogrammetry, visual-hull)
- Portable and hand-held scanning devices
- Body scanning systems for the apparel and fashion sector
- Applications in medical sciences (forensics, plastic surgery, dentistry)
- Custom footwear and orthopedics
- Anthropometric studies , measurement campaigns, fitting mannequins
- Biometrics and applications in security
- Applications in sport, health and fitness
- Human body modeling, animation and simulation
- Virtual life, games and entertainment
- 3D body scanning for arts and sculpture
Authors who would like to present a paper at the workshop, are requested to send
an extended abstract to the conference office, until December 31, 2010.
Extended abstract should consists of 250-500 words and images.
Please provide the following information:
1. Author(s) (please underline correspondent author)
2. Affiliation, full address and e-mails for correspondence
3. Title of paper
4. Keywords
5. Abstract text (250-500 words) and images
Please send abstracts as PDF-files or MS-Word documents written in English by e-mail to the following e-mail address: asia@3dbodyscanning.org.
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed and the authors will be notified by January 15, 2011.
As next step, authors of accepted abstracts will receive instructions for the preparation of
their paper and information on the assigned technical session.
The full paper has then to be submitted before March 15, 2011.
It is expected that one of the authors presents the paper personally at the workshop.
Accepted papers will be published as workshop proceedings.
Download the 2nd Announcement and Call for Papers as PDF file.
Guidelines for manuscript preparation and submission
All written submissions for inclusion in the proceedings of the workshop must follow the guidelines provided by the template document:
- MS-Word file
- PDF file.
Please submit the full paper as MS-Word document, before March 15th 2011, by e-mail to the following e-mail address: asia@3dbodyscanning.org.
All the submitted papers have to be presented personally by one of the authors. Reduced registration fees are available for presenting authors: registration.
Important dates
- Abstracts due: December 31, 2010
- Author notification: January 15, 2011
- Manuscript deadline: March 15, 2011