Each attendee/participant/delegate and each speaker/presenter that wishes to attend (personally onsite or remotely online) the conference and the technical exhibition must register by filling a registration form and paying the registration fees before the begin of the conference.
Please fill the registration form available below, save it and send it by e-mail to the conference office at info@3dbody.tech. The office will then prepare an invoice with details for the payment of the due registration fees.
Important notes:
- Presenters/speakers are required to register and attend onsite the conference (online/remote presentations will not be possible).
- Registrations via e-mail with the form below have to be completed before 21 Oct. 2025.
- Registrations are confirmed only after the payment of the due fees.
- Registrations on-site will be possible by payment by credit card or in cash (exact amount).
For registrations as exhibitor, please see details and registration form at the following page:
information for exhibitors and sponsors.
Please note the super saver discounted fees for early registrations before 1 June, the early bird discounted fees for registrations between 1 June and 31 July, and the increased fees for late registrations from 1 October.
Registration fees / Tickets
Super saver, before 1 June 2025:
Attendee/delegate: 600 CHF
Presenter/speaker: 550 CHF
Student (undergraduate): 500 CHF
1-day attendee/delegate: 300 CHF
Online/virtual: 200 CHF
Early bird, 1 June - 31 July 2025:
Attendee/delegate: 700 CHF
Presenter/speaker: 650 CHF
Student (undergraduate): 600 CHF
1-day attendee/delegate: 400 CHF
Online/virtual: 300 CHF
Regular, 1 August - 30 September 2025:
Attendee/delegate: 800 CHF
Presenter/speaker: 750 CHF
Student (undergraduate): 700 CHF
1-day attendee/delegate: 500 CHF
Online/virtual: 400 CHF
Late, from 1 October 2025:
Attendee/delegate: 900 CHF
Presenter/speaker: 850 CHF
Student (undergraduate): 800 CHF
1-day attendee/delegate: 600 CHF
Online/virtual: 500 CHF
The prices are indicated in Swiss Francs (CHF) and are inclusive of taxes when/if applicable.
Registration fees include admission to all sessions and the technical exhibition, coffee breaks and lunches, and full access to the event platform/app (during and 60 days after the conference & expo) and to the proceedings.
Online/virtual registration fees include only access to the event platform/app (during and 60 days after the conference & expo) and to the proceedings.
Presenters/speakers are required to attend onsite the conference (online/remote presentations will not be possible).
The event platform/app will give access to all live streams and all recorded contents, and to networking tools, during the 2-days conference & expo and for 60 days after its end.
Registration form
Registration form:
3dbody2025_registration.docx (MS Office Word)
3dbody2025_registration.pdf (PDF file)
In order to register for attending the conference & expo, please download the registration form at the link above and send the filled form as MS Office Word file or PDF file to the conference office by e-mail, at info@3dbody.tech.
The conference office will then send you by e-mail an invoice with details and instructions for the payment of the due registration fees.
We accept the following payment methods:
- Bank transfer with IBAN & SWIFT/BIC on CHF/EUR/USD Swiss bank account
- Credit card (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, Diners, UnionPay), by secure e-payment, +6% fees
- PayPal and other credit cards through PayPal payment system, +6% fees
Payments are possible in the following currencies:
- Swiss Francs (CHF), Euros (EUR), U.S. Dollars (USD)
- AMEX, Diners, UnionPay credit cards: CHF only
- The current exchange rates will be applied for payments in EUR and USD
Note: anti-spam filters are sometimes rejecting legitimate e-mails. If we do not reply within 3 business days or if you receive a delivery failure notice, please use our alternative e-mail address: 3dbodytech@gmail.com.
Transfer/Cancellation/Refund Policies
Paid registration fees are fully transferable to other participants free of charge.
Please inform the conference office by e-mail at info@3dbody.tech before 20 October 2025 with details of the transfer.
The following cancellation/refund policies apply:
Cancellations received before 1 September 2025 will receive the refund of 75% of the paid fees.
Cancellations received until 1 October 2025 will receive the refund of 50% of the paid fees.
Cancellations received until 10 October 2025 will receive the refund of 25% of the paid fees.
No refunds will be made for cancellations received after 10 October 2025.
Alternatively to cancellation, the registration can be transferred to next-year event free of charge.
All approved refunds will be processed and issued within 30 days after the conference.
Refunds will be made by bank wire transfer in CHF, refunds directly on credit cards will not be possible.
Please send your cancellation request to the conference office by e-mail at info@3dbody.tech.
VISA Information
Switzerland is an associated member state of the Schengen agreement and hence part of the Schengen area. Foreign nationals who wish to enter Switzerland must in any case be in possession of a valid travel document recognized by the Swiss authorities. For some countries visas may be required. For more information, check with the Swiss embassy/consulate of your country or visit the web page of the Swiss Federal Office for Migration: www.sem.admin.ch.
Participants requiring a formal letter of invitation to enable them to make their arrangements to participate at the conference should contact the conference office.
Important notes:
- We will provide formal letters of invitation uniquely to registered participants.
- This letter cannot be regarded as a commitment regarding scheduling or financial support from the organizers.
- The deadline for requesting a formal invitation letter is 15 September 2025.
For details and/or further inquiries, please contact the conference office.
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